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发布日期:2025-01-12 08:27:50


浙江永裕竹业股份有限公司创立于 2000 年,扎根于素有“中国竹乡”美誉的浙江安吉县孝丰镇。回首过往二十余载发展历程,永裕竹业一路砥砺奋进。起初,它以向国内厂家供应板坯为起点,逐步摸索前行,进而拓展至成品地板生产,并开启贴牌出口业务,凭借扎实的工艺与可靠的品质,赢得国际认可,成为世界知名品牌竹地板的 OEM 供应商。发展至今,永裕竹业已成功蜕变,跃升为一家专注于竹地板、竹家具、竹饰材及其他竹制系列产品研发、生产与销售的国家高新技术企业。公司实力雄厚,手握 15 项发明及实用新型专利,配备四条国际顶尖水准的豪迈生产流水线,具备年产 350 万平方米竹地板与 20 万套高档竹家具的强大产能,在竞争激烈的竹业领域稳稳占据一席之地,书写着属于自己的辉煌篇章。



- 竹地板:永裕精心打造的竹地板,精选上乘竹材作为原料基石,历经高温、高湿、高压的严苛脱脂、脱水、脱糖淬炼工序,成功铸就坚固防线,有效杜绝虫蛀隐患。并且,地板两面及四周均悉心施以涂饰工艺处理,使其对空气中湿度的波动具备超强适应性,无论环境温、湿度如何变幻,皆能精准实现各点应力均衡,确保地板始终维持平整,不变形、不开裂。其表面竹纹仿若天然画卷,清新雅致,散发着浓郁的回归自然气息,为家居空间注入一抹灵动的生态之美。与此同时,竹地板冬暖夏凉的特性为人称道,防水防潮性能卓越,日常养护更是轻松便捷,全方位契合消费者对环保、美观与舒适的多元追求。

- 户外高耐竹地板:为征服户外复杂多变的恶劣环境,永裕户外高耐竹地板采用独树一帜的特殊处理工艺,赋予竹材超乎寻常的耐候性与耐久性。无论是骄阳似火的长时间暴晒,还是雨水的反复冲刷侵蚀,亦或是四季更迭带来的剧烈温度变化,它都能从容应对。凭借高密度、高强度的卓越品质,它不易变形、磨损极小,历经岁月洗礼仍能坚守卓越性能。不仅如此,其防滑、防火、防白蚁等多重防护功能一应俱全,为户外休憩、漫步的空间提供了安全无忧且美观大方的地面铺设方案,宛如一位忠诚的卫士,守护户外每一寸美好。

- 石塑地板:作为永裕竹业创新研发的结晶,石塑地板以 PVC 树脂粉与天然石粉为主料,经科学严谨的精心配比,结合前沿先进的生产工艺锤炼而成。它宛如一位全能选手,集防水、防潮、防火、防滑、抗菌等诸多优势于一身,轻松化解生活中的各类地面难题。尤为引人瞩目的是,其安装过程简便快捷,摒弃传统胶水粘贴方式,采用直拼式安装,大幅缩减施工耗时,让装修进程一路“狂飙”。此外,石塑地板脚感舒适宜人,隔音效果出众,能为使用者营造静谧、惬意的室内环境,仿佛将喧嚣纷扰隔绝于外。


- 永裕本色竹地板:这款地板宛如大自然的馈赠,原汁原味地保留竹子天然的色泽与细腻纹理,清新质朴之风扑面而来,让人仿若置身竹林深处。其表面覆盖的环保清漆,恰似一层轻薄的保护膜,既完好展现竹子初始的纯净之美,又巧妙提升地板的光泽度与耐磨性,使其在日常使用中历久弥新。凭借这份独特魅力,深受追求简约、自然生活格调的家庭与办公场所青睐,成为点亮空间的不二之选。

- 户外高耐竹地板系列之碳化色地板:经过高温精心碳化处理,这款地板仿若被岁月温柔以待,颜色晕染出古铜色或褐色的醇厚质感,色泽均匀且泛着迷人的光泽,仿佛承载着时光的故事。这般独特外观不仅尽显大气典雅,更因碳化工艺加持,深度强化竹材耐腐蚀与稳定性能,无论是庭院中家人欢聚的温馨角落、阳台凭栏远眺的惬意小站,还是栈道上探秘自然的悠然步道,它都能完美适配,为户外景致增添一抹古韵悠长。

- 永裕石塑地板 SPC 系列:该系列石塑地板恰似一位神奇的“伪装大师”,拥有以假乱真的木纹与石纹效果,精准满足不同消费者的个性化审美诉求。其防水性能堪称一绝,厨房的水渍油污、卫生间的潮湿水汽、地下室的潮闷环境,统统不在话下,它都能安然处之。同时,强大的抗压抗冲击能力铸就其“金刚不坏之身”,不易损坏,使用寿命超长,无疑是家庭装修打造温馨港湾、商业场所塑造品质空间的理想搭档。


- 线上官方旗舰店:在当今数字化浪潮下,永裕竹业紧跟时代步伐,在淘宝、京东、天猫等各大主流电商平台均精心布局官方旗舰店。消费者只需轻点鼠标,输入关键词,便能轻松锁定永裕竹业的线上店铺,足不出户即可尽情浏览各类竹地板、户外高耐竹地板以及石塑地板产品。线上购物不仅方便快捷,还能实时畅享官方推出的缤纷优惠活动,购买后贴心的售后服务更是为消费者解除后顾之忧。

- 线下实体专卖店:穿梭于全国各大城市的建材市场与家居生活馆,你总能邂逅永裕竹业的实体专卖店。踏入店内,便能近距离感受产品的真实质感,亲手触摸地板的纹理,直观体验其卓越性能。店内专业销售人员随时待命,依据你的装修风格、空间需求等,量身定制个性化的装修建议与解决方案。而且,专卖店还会不定期推出惊喜促销活动,让你收获实实在在的实惠,满载而归。

- 工程合作渠道:面对酒店、商场、写字楼等大型工程项目的磅礴需求,永裕竹业专门开辟工程合作绿色通道。只需与公司专业的销售团队或工程部门取得联系,详细阐述项目具体要求,公司便能依据项目特色精准定制产品与配套解决方案,全程护航项目顺利推进,以卓越品质确保每一个工程节点都经得起考验。


Brand History

Zhejiang Yongyu Bamboo Industry Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000 and is rooted in Xiaofeng Town, Anji County, Zhejiang Province, which is known as the "Chinese Bamboo Town". Looking back on the past 20 years of development, Yongyu Bamboo Industry has been forging ahead all the way. At first, it started with supplying slabs to domestic manufacturers, gradually explored and moved forward, and then expanded to the production of finished flooring, and started OEM export business. With solid craftsmanship and reliable quality, it has won international recognition and become an OEM supplier of world-renowned bamboo flooring brands. To date, Yongyu Bamboo Industry has successfully transformed and leaped into a national high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development, production and sales of bamboo flooring, bamboo furniture, bamboo decorative materials and other bamboo series products. The company is strong, holding 15 invention and utility model patents, equipped with four top-level international production lines, with an annual production capacity of 3.5 million square meters of bamboo flooring and 200,000 sets of high-end bamboo furniture. It has firmly occupied a place in the fiercely competitive bamboo industry and written its own glorious chapter.

Development Vision

Looking forward to the future, Yongyu Bamboo is full of enthusiasm and strides towards its set goals. On the one hand, the company is committed to cultivating the fertile soil of the bamboo industry, relying closely on the powerful engine of technological innovation, deeply exploring the huge potential of bamboo, and making every effort to carve out more bamboo products with high quality, excellent performance and environmental protection. We are committed to ingeniously integrating the long-standing bamboo culture into all aspects of modern life, allowing bamboo elements to lightly enter the homes of ordinary people, becoming a unique and warm landscape in home decoration, and integrating into every corner of people's daily life. On the other hand, Yongyu Bamboo will set its sights on the vast global market. With its excellent product quality foundation and the unique charm of oriental bamboo culture, it is determined to stand out and shine on the international stage. We strive to establish a towering benchmark for Chinese bamboo brands, lead the fashion trend of bamboo product consumption in the world, contribute to global sustainable development, and use bamboo as a pen to paint a better tomorrow for the world.

Product Advantages

- Bamboo Flooring: Yongyu's carefully crafted bamboo flooring uses selected high-quality bamboo as the raw material cornerstone. It has undergone rigorous degreasing, dehydration, and desugaring processes at high temperature, high humidity, and high pressure, successfully creating a solid defense line and effectively eliminating the hidden dangers of insect infestation. In addition, the floor is carefully treated with a finishing process on both sides and all sides, making it highly adaptable to fluctuations in humidity in the air. No matter how the ambient temperature and humidity change, it can accurately achieve stress balance at each point to ensure that the floor always remains flat, without deformation or cracking. The bamboo pattern on its surface is like a natural painting, fresh and elegant, exuding a strong return to nature, injecting a touch of smart ecological beauty into the home space. At the same time, bamboo floors are praised for their warm winter and cool summer properties, excellent waterproof and moisture-proof performance, and easy and convenient daily maintenance, which fully meets consumers' diverse pursuits of environmental protection, beauty and comfort.

- Outdoor high-resistance bamboo floor: In order to conquer the complex and changeable harsh environment outdoors, Yongyu outdoor high-resistance bamboo floor adopts a unique special treatment process to give bamboo extraordinary weather resistance and durability. Whether it is long-term exposure to the scorching sun, repeated erosion by rain, or drastic temperature changes caused by the change of seasons, it can cope with it calmly. With its high density and high strength, it is not easy to deform, has minimal wear, and can still maintain its excellent performance after years of baptism. Not only that, its multiple protection functions such as anti-slip, fireproof, and anti-termite are all available, providing a safe, worry-free and beautiful floor laying solution for outdoor rest and strolling spaces, just like a loyal guard, guarding every inch of the beauty of the outdoors.

- Stone plastic floor: As the crystallization of Yongyu Bamboo's innovative research and development, stone plastic floor is made of PVC resin powder and natural stone powder as the main materials, and is refined through scientific and rigorous careful proportioning combined with cutting-edge advanced production technology. It is like an all-round player, integrating many advantages such as waterproof, moisture-proof, fireproof, anti-slip, and antibacterial, and can easily resolve various ground problems in life. What is particularly noteworthy is that its installation process is simple and fast. It abandons the traditional glue pasting method and adopts direct splicing installation, which greatly reduces the construction time and makes the decoration process "hurricane". In addition, the stone plastic floor feels comfortable and pleasant, and has outstanding sound insulation effect. It can create a quiet and comfortable indoor environment for users, as if isolating the hustle and bustle from the outside.

Hot-selling products

- Yongyu natural bamboo floor: This floor is like a gift from nature, retaining the natural color and delicate texture of bamboo in its original flavor. The fresh and simple wind blows on the face, making people feel like they are in the depths of the bamboo forest. The environmentally friendly varnish covering its surface is like a thin protective film, which not only perfectly displays the original pure beauty of bamboo, but also cleverly improves the glossiness and wear resistance of the floor, making it lasting in daily use. With this unique charm, it is favored by families and offices that pursue a simple and natural lifestyle, and has become the only choice to light up the space.

- Carbonized color floor of outdoor high-resistance bamboo floor series: After high-temperature and careful carbonization treatment, this floor seems to be treated gently by the years, and the color is stained with a mellow texture of bronze or brown. The color is uniform and has a charming luster, as if carrying the story of time. This unique appearance not only shows the atmosphere and elegance, but also deeply enhances the corrosion resistance and stability of bamboo due to the blessing of carbonization technology. Whether it is a warm corner for family gatherings in the courtyard, a cozy station for looking out from the balcony, or a leisurely trail for exploring nature on the plank road, it can be perfectly adapted, adding a touch of ancient charm to the outdoor scenery.

- Yongyu SPC series: This series of SPC floor is like a magical "master of disguise", with wood and stone grain effects that are indistinguishable from the real thing, accurately meeting the personalized aesthetic demands of different consumers. Its waterproof performance is excellent. It can handle water stains and oil stains in the kitchen, moisture and vapor in the bathroom, and damp and stuffy environment in the basement. At the same time, its strong pressure and impact resistance make it "indestructible", not easy to damage, and has a long service life. It is undoubtedly an ideal partner for home decoration to create a warm harbor and commercial places to create quality space.

Purchase channel

- Online official flagship store: In today's digital wave, Yongyu Bamboo Industry keeps pace with the times and carefully arranges official flagship stores on major mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, JD.com, and Tmall. Consumers only need to click the mouse and enter keywords to easily lock in Yongyu Bamboo Industry's online store, and browse all kinds of bamboo flooring, outdoor high-resistant bamboo flooring and stone plastic flooring products without leaving home. Online shopping is not only convenient and fast, but also allows you to enjoy the colorful discount activities launched by the official in real time. The thoughtful after-sales service after purchase relieves consumers' worries.

- Offline physical stores: You can always encounter Yongyu Bamboo Industry's physical stores in building materials markets and home life museums in major cities across the country. Once you step into the store, you can feel the real texture of the product up close, touch the texture of the floor with your own hands, and intuitively experience its excellent performance. Professional sales staff in the store are on call at any time to tailor personalized decoration suggestions and solutions based on your decoration style, space requirements, etc. In addition, the store will launch surprise promotions from time to time, so that you can reap real benefits and return with a full load.

- Engineering cooperation channel: Facing the huge demand for large-scale engineering projects such as hotels, shopping malls, and office buildings, Yongyu Bamboo Industry has specially opened up a green channel for engineering cooperation. Just get in touch with the company's professional sales team or engineering department and elaborate on the specific requirements of the project. The company can accurately customize products and supporting solutions based on the characteristics of the project, escort the project smoothly throughout the process, and ensure that every engineering node can stand the test with excellent quality.

Zhejiang Yongyu Bamboo Industry, with its profound brand accumulation, outstanding product characteristics, popular and hot-selling items, and diverse and convenient purchasing channels, presents high-quality floor products to consumers, which is undoubtedly your favorite choice when decorating the floor.